Electrolites Footwear

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ELikes: The Rusty Knot / Party Bus

Just about as far west as you can head in Manhattan before diving into the Hudson lies The Rusty Knot, a raucous Westside Highway watering hole and favorite bar of us here at Electrolites. But trekking across the whole isle of Manhattan from Brooklyn just for a couple zesty pickle back shots and cheap Busch drafts on a Monday night is quite a journey. That’s where the Rusty Knot Party Bus comes in.

Stocked with all of the Bud Heavy cans you could possibly drink in the 45 min. it takes to get from Bedford Ave to the Knot, the Rusty Bus is free of charge and pretty much free of any rules at all. Cigarettes? Go ahead. Shotgunning beers while cruising over the Williamsburg Bridge? Sure. Want to put an empty Budweiser 30-rack case over your head and light it on fire? Go for it. 

So if you’re looking to not take it easy next Monday night, you’ll know where to find us.


The Electrolites Bros

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